
If I tell you about my regrets
That burns me like a cigarette
Slowly turning me into ashes,
Will you listen to me?
Or will you also say "stop
Let it flow out of you with teardrop."
Like how everyone said "past is past,
You need to move on fast,
Everybody makes mistakes,
But All you need to do is wake,
Like it was just a bad dream
Silencing the heart's scream,
Start forgiving,
Start with yourself."
I want to,
I want to do it so bad
But my feelings are dense,
Regrets so deep,
In my heart it seep,
Those immature words,
Careless acts,
I cannot forgive,
I was too dumb to understand how people will percieve,
And I'vent said sorry yet,
And I guess I wont ever be able to,
As some are no longer in my life,
And most of them has already forgotten,
But I wish I could tell,
How sorry I'm,
For making them wait.
For the words I said,
For the  scrunched nose I made,
For the time I've not be there.
I should have said sorry,
Also for the time I tried to fix up your life,
For the time I told you wrong and right,
I should have realised,
Your decision,
Your life,
Your choice not mine..
At some place, I wish I didn't have been careless,
And at some, I could have cared less..


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