Journey to Country of Dreams

This is dedicated to all the friends, brothers and sisters who are out of country for abroad studies..

Dragging legs that felt heavier than stone,
taking steps that takes him away from the home,
To a place, he once dreamed to be,
To be somewhere he always wanted to be,
But now dreams doesn't feels right,
When It came to Leave the closeness of beloved ones behind,
Struggling between heart and mind's fight,
He makes his way towards the plane to catch his flight..

Holding heart heavier than his luggage,
He turns back to hold everything in his eyes in one gaze,
Trying not to let those water spill from his eyes,
He bid his last goodbyes,
When he was wishing for time to freeze,
That was moment when plane left the ground with an ease,
To the country of dreams,
Where light of hope beams,
As the plane took the pace,
His heart begun to race,
Because he was leaving a piece of it here,
With bundle of feelings with no one to share..

Staring from the window,
Like nature has put on the new show,
Above the cloud so high,
He ask himself,  is this right?
Turning the diary of a girl,
He smiles as he go through pages,
Remembering all the life's phases,
He wishes he could have stayed,
Trying to hide the tears with clothes he had,
Then He went through all the memories in his mind,
Like a cassette player is put on rewind.

After Hours long journey,
He felt that it finally came to an end.
when he looked down,
he saw  plane landing on the same round,
at the place he took his flight,
his heart jumped in delight,
he ran through the door like a child,
he saw his beloved ones outside,
but just when he ran to hug them,
reality came to open his eyes,
wide awake now.
he found himself in a country he dont know,
not his home country,
but country of his dreams.........


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