Mismatched socks

We had always known that 
even though our shadows looked similar 
when we look at it
We are different from every aspect
still trying to match desperately,
Like Ying and Yang
The black and white,
We tried to complement each other rather than trying to look for substitution,
You know how we read about the effects of it
And were always okay to try to fit
Because it felt perfect.

But now that the colors are fading,
How we expected the black one would just fade to white,
And we would be of the same shade
But when the turning came,
the white one turned in to darker one with time,
The two whites would have shed the color in both's life
But both growing darker only eliminated all the sources of light
Only to prove,
We have been the mismatched socks, all along
That can be together,
But cannot be worn at once.

But do you wanna still try to fit
and create a new fashion trend?
I'm all up for it.

Prompt: Mismatched Socks


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