O' Mirror!

Me: Mirror mirror on the wall
Who's the happiest of them all?

Mirror: Wait, aren't you supposed to ask who's the fairest?
Me: No, I know I'm not the fairest,
And I don't need anyone to tell me I'm less pretty than anyone,
But Tell me who's the happiest
So I can borrow some from them,
And give it to my heart,
And look at you face to face 
Stare without getting heartbroken at my reflection 
That looks like it's grieving for the smile 
it has lost in the war,
And every time I look at it, 
I feel like I'm attending a funeral.

Maybe it'll give it some strength 
to lift up the curves even if it is just for the crucial times.
Tell me,
Tell me so I can turn the world upside down,
To find it
Even if I have no magic in me, 
Facebook is no less than that,
Tell me o' mirror,
I need to know
I'm tired of seeing this soulless eyes 
That has been washed way too many times by tears 
And has lost its color
And just see black and white.

I need to borrow some color 
And organize a grand Holi festival
To splash in the black and white vision
And take off the mask they wear of colorblindness
And burn the evil inside that is killing this beautiful soul,
show that the world is still beautiful,
And tell,
The world doesn't go colorless if one goes blind,
You just need a vision and keep the eye open to see that

So, Tell me O' Mirror,
Do that bit of a favor,
Or it is you too 
that will have to suffer,
Seeing not just eye 
but this beautiful face too,
Drained of color.


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