A Robot

A robot, You're a freaking nature made robot Of whom I always think about, Veins instead of wires, Where blood runs instead of electricity, But still, you don't fail to give me shocks, And your fake smile mocks, Like planning for a havoc. Standing with calcium made bones And heart of stone, You try to crush my feelings, And all the paths I make towards you, Making my efforts to get the real you back fail, You wrecked it in attacks I never saw. You wished for me to get out of track, And stop trying, And forget all about you, Just coz you're not willing to help me back, Not willing to make an effort. And when tears streaked down my face, I wished you could see, All the pain I hid under my sleeve, how frail I've become, Instead of the strengths I faked. You nature made robot, You cover yourself with so-called numbness, You actually don't feel a thing, You say you love me, But p...