Dear Future Husband

Will the things remain same, If I deny changing my last name after marriage? What is the game about changing it and making it same when our heartbeat has a common name. It already makes us one doesn't it? Will your eyes look at me the same way you used to If I deny bowing on your feet on the day of marriage when the priest says so or after marriage? Or will you say No, She doesn’t need to And take a stand for me? Husband is god they say but will you add that my wife needs to be treated as goddess too? because she is my "Ardhangini" the other half that completes me. or will you also weigh the respect I have for you on the one and bowing you on the oth er and take it as a disrespect to your manhood as this society does? The respect should come by heart, The mutual one, Not by bowing on the feet Isn’t it? Will you be ashamed to help me in the kitchen, or cook for me when I come home from work drai...